6 Herbal Remedies to Ease Migraines

6 Herbal Remedies to Ease Migraines

Unlike regular headaches, migraines can be much worse. Its symptoms include nausea, throbbing pain, and sensitivity to light and sound. These migraines can get so bad that they need to be managed with prescription medications or over-the-counter medications. However, if you’re looking for herbal remedies for migraines, you are in luck. Multiple herbal solutions can manage the symptoms of this unbearable condition. 1. Chamomile Chamomile is known to release a mild sedative that helps relax the body. A cup of chamomile tea can significantly relieve any headaches caused by stress. It is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce muscle spasms. Add two teaspoons of chamomile to every cup of tea, and simmer for five minutes. You can also add a little honey for some sweetness. 2. Basil Basil leaves are excellent for relieving migraines. The Italian herb has oil that relaxes the muscles. It is good for relieving headaches caused by tight muscles and tension. As far as research goes, basil is an effective home remedy for relaxation and also as an analgesic. Add in about four leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it simmer. Let it cool for a bit, and sip it slowly. You can also chew on some basil leaves.
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5 Healthy Road-time Snacks for Toddlers

5 Healthy Road-time Snacks for Toddlers

Life with toddlers can be challenging, especially sticking with their meal schedule and habits. Growing kids tend to get hungry between meals and keep their parents on their toes. This habit can get particularly tricky during road trips. A snack is a perfect way out to keep the kids full and happy. Since the store-bought ones may be quite unhealthy, here are a few suggestions for some healthy kid snacks. 1. Yogurt Fro-yo or frozen yogurt is an excellent snack for kids. It is a good source of protein, calcium, and sugar to satisfy your kid’s hunger pangs. Frozen yogurt will be healthier if it’s plain rather than flavored. It can be sweetened by adding freshly cut fruits or by dipping cut slices of apples, pears, celery, etc. Fully packed with good bacteria, yogurt is good for bowel movement, especially for kids with nervous tummies. 2. Popcorn Contrary to popular belief, popcorn is not junk food. It is, in fact, pretty nutritious. That’s because it is a whole-grain and high-fiber meal. The most important factor for making popcorn healthy is that it should be air-popped and lightly seasoned. Adding artificial flavors of cheese or caramel will render it useless. Instead, adding a sprinkle of homemade butter, sea salt, or grated parmesan will make it a delicious yet healthy kid snack.
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5 Products for Treating Fleas and Ticks on Dogs

5 Products for Treating Fleas and Ticks on Dogs

Ticks and fleas are dogs’ worst enemy. Your pet’s soft and warm fur provides an ideal environment for these parasites to live and multiply. From infections to anemia, they can bring serious health hazards to your pet. So it’s better to get rid of them as soon as you can. Thankfully, there are many products designed to protect your furry friend against these tick and flea infestations. Here are a few notable mentions. 1. Flea combs Combs are the first and foremost solution for fleas and ticks. These are more of a remedy than prevention, specially designed to remove fleas and their eggs from a dog’s fur. Flea combs have closely aligned teeth that trap the pests. However, they can only remove a certain amount of fleas rather than treating the whole infestation. Still, this is a great flea removing method to start with before trying other remedies. Flea combs are pretty affordable as well. 2. Shampoos A shampoo kills ticks and fleas and gets your canine clean and fluffy. It creates a lather that smothers the pests, leaving the dog’s fur smelling fresh. Any pet-friendly shampoo will do the trick. They contain an insect growth regulator, which can kill the fleas and prevent them from coming back for some time.
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