4 Best Products That Help Quit Smoking
Several products are available at pharmacies and stores to help people quit smoking and lower their withdrawal symptoms. Of course, their effectiveness can vary depending on the smoker’s age, medical conditions, and how strong the addiction is. Still, they’re worth a try. Below, we’ve listed four such products to help quit smoking. It’s advisable to consult a doctor before using any of these. Some may require a prescription from a certified health professional.
1. Nicotine patches
Nicotine is one of the most addictive components of a cigarette, and the body gets used to it. So when a person initially gives up smoking, they experience severe withdrawal symptoms as the body craves nicotine. Nicotine patches are readily available at drug stores and work by delivering a small dose of nicotine into the body via the skin, curtailing the urge to smoke. One can reduce the dosage after regular intervals until they’re finally ready to wean off nicotine. It can take anywhere between eight to twelve weeks to quit smoking with this method. However, continuous use of nicotine patches can result in allergies, skin rash, racing heartbeat, unusual dreams, or sleep issues.
2. Nasal sprays
Nicotine nasal sprays are similar in shape and size to nasal allergy sprays. They’re pretty easy to use, but one must follow the instructions of a doctor. Patients don’t have to inhale the fumes deep inside but allow them to sit in the nostrils. When the spray is inhaled, the nicotine enters the blood gradually. These are perfect for heavy smokers wanting to quit smoking. However, nasal sprays also come with side effects like watery eyes, runny nose, and nasal irritation. Moreover, they must be kept away from pets and children.
3. Nicotine gum
Nicotine gums have small amounts of nicotine in them. When chewed, the nicotine is released and gets absorbed via the lining of the mouth. Initially, one can use the gum once every one or two hours. The gums come in 2mg and 4mg options and help control sudden nicotine urges, keeping withdrawal symptoms in check. Most people use 15 to 20 gums per day, but it’s best to consult a doctor as the dosage can differ depending on one’s condition. One drawback is that these gums must be used with other products on the list. Also, they must be eaten throughout the day to monitor urges. The side effects include nausea, jaw soreness, mount irritation, and heartburn.
4. Lozenges
Nicotine lozenges work exactly like nicotine gums. However, lozenges are for those who don’t prefer chewing gum all day. All one has to do is place a lozenge in their mouth and occasionally move it from side to side to dissolve. Individuals can avail them without prescriptions, and, unlike gum, they don’t stick to dental appliances. However, they can result in hiccups and nausea.