6 Foods to Have and Avoid with High Cholesterol
Like too much of anything, excess cholesterol can cause harm to the body, particularly the heart. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is all about including and eliminating certain foods from regular meals. However, most people are unaware of what foods can cause their LDL or “bad” cholesterol to rise and HDL or “good” cholesterol levels to fall. Read on to learn about the best and the worst foods to eat for people with high cholesterol.
1. Eat: Fiber-rich foods
High-fiber foods are among the best foods for managing cholesterol levels. That’s because dietary fibers bind to the fats and cholesterol in the bloodstream and help remove them through stool. Besides, they are beneficial for digestive health. Some excellent fiber-rich foods to consider include different types of nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Oats, a type of whole grain, are particularly effective at bringing down high cholesterol levels.
2. Avoid: Fried foods
Regardless of one’s cholesterol level, fried foods should be avoided whenever possible. Not only are they packed with calories, but many fried foods also contain trans fats, which are the extremely unhealthy. Trans fats can raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. Plus, they have been linked to an increased risk of heart diseases, among various other health conditions. Fried foods that may contain high levels of trans fats include French fries, donuts, and fried chicken.
3. Eat: Omega-3-rich foods
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fats that can improve one’s cholesterol levels. They are also known to reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease, which makes them excellent for those with high cholesterol. The best sources of omega-3s are fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, and trout. Those who don’t eat fish can turn to plant-based omega-3 sources like chia seeds, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
4. Avoid: Processed meats
Processed meats are full of saturated fats and often loaded with sodium (salt) and other preservatives. Loading up on items like deli ham, salami, pastrami, bologna, sausage, bacon, and others, can raise cholesterol levels. These foods are also linked to a higher risk of heart disease and even certain types of cancer.
5. Eat: Soybean and soy products
Multiple studies show that soybeans and foods made from them, such as edamame, tofu, tempeh, and soymilk, can lower “bad” cholesterol levels. Soy contains certain compounds that can block cholesterol absorption as well as new cholesterol production. Since soy and soy products are high in protein, they make a great substitute for animal-based protein.
6. Avoid: Sugary foods
Sugar-rich foods, such as cookies, cakes, ice cream, store-bought fruit juices, are bad for one’s overall health. They can increase LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and even triglyceride levels. Plus, they are full of unhealthy fats and calories, but devoid of essential nutrients. As a result, they can cause excess weight gain, which can lead further issues. Sugar can also cause inflammation and has been linked to various health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and even cognitive decline.