Safe Foods and Unsafe Foods for Pets
Did you know that there are foods that are safe and unsafe for your pets? Where some foods are safe and healthy for you, they might not have the same impact on your pet. Read on to find out which of your favorite foods can be fed and which you should avoid sharing.
1. Carrot
Carrots are famous for their highly nutritious properties. In addition to being a healthy food choice, they are also a safe food for dogs and cats. Adding carrots in their raw form or cooked to your pet’s meal can work as a great health additive. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and have a high amount of fiber content. They are a perfect supplement for unhealthy pet treats, that is, as long as you remember to cut them into bite-sized pieces so that it is not a choking hazard.
2. Salt
Salt enhances the flavor of the food and contains essential minerals for the body. If used in the right proportions, salt is a safe food for dogs and cats. But, an excess amount of salt might lead to salt poisoning and cause dehydration in pets. This can also present symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. Salt-rich foods like chips are to be kept out of your pet’s reach.
3. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is a calorie-rich food with high levels of fats. It can lead to rapid weight gain in pets, resulting in health complications.
4. Eggs
Eggs are quality food and a rich source of protein. They also contain essential vitamins and minerals. However, eggs can be dangerous if fed raw. It can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.
Here are some foods that should be kept far away from your pets.
1. Grapes and raisins
Grapes and raisins are unsafe foods for dogs and cats. Some contents of grapes and raisins have toxic effects on the pets’ health. In some cases, it can also lead to kidney failure.
2. Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are one of the healthiest nuts. However, when it comes to foods for dogs and cats, they are unsafe. In fact, macadamia nuts are one of the worst foods for pets. The nuts’ contents prove toxic to pets and can cause depression, nausea, tremors, vomiting, and muscle weakness. The high-fat content of the nuts can also result in elevated triglyceride levels.
3. Chocolates
It is a favorite treat among humans and pets alike. But, chocolate is one of the worst foods for dogs and cats. These have stimulating compounds like theobromine and caffeine, both of which are difficult to process for pets. On ingestion, chocolate can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. If left unaddressed, it can lead to further complications like internal bleeding, muscle tremors, and seizures.